Saturday, July 21, 2012

Watch out....The Smith Family has officially entered the blogging world!  That's right...we may be behind the times, but we are finally here!  Who knows how successful this attempt at blogging will be, however, it is my (our) best effort at keeping family and friends up to speed on our oh-so-exciting life.  I think this little spot will come in quite handy after we move for hubby to go to graduate school, but until then, we already have enough family and friends out-of-state to justify doing this.  One warning though:  I (we) make no promises to update this blog on a daily or even weekly basis.  Once school starts, I'll (we'll) be lucky to have monthly posts happening here at our "Southern Smith Family" blog.  Yes, you read that correctly.  "Southern Smith Family" is the official name for the location of our happy little home.  Creativity is a must when you have such a common name as "Smith", because of course, "" was already taken.  Alrighty, well this is my official introduction, and hopefully our next post will begin to give you a glimpse into the life of our sweet little family.  Happy Reading! :)

~Angela and Karl

Until my next post, I'll leave you with a picture of our sweet girl, enjoying the summer sun at the lake. :)


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!

  2. Aaah! Thank you! How first comment! :)

  3. Yay!! I'm so glad you're blogging! :) Welcome to the bloggosphere!! :) I totally understand all the smith names being taken "Paul and Linda Smith" had already been taken too. LOL! So excited to follow your blog. =o)
