Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reality is hitting us big time at our house lately.  The reality that our precious lazy days of summer are coming to an end....very soon.  This week has been filled with Karl being super busy with summer school and research, and me practically living out of my classroom.  I've been tutoring all summer on Tuesdays/Thursdays (which I love), but this week, on top of tutoring, I've been trying to at least wrap up the "cosmetic" part of my classroom.  As shallow as it may sound, the cosmetic part is super important to me.  Here's why:

1.  I spend more hours in a day (awake) at school than I do at home, so I want it to be a place that I enjoy looking at and being in.
2.  I feel like my kiddos' learning environment is vitally important in their overall experience during that school year.
3.  I like pretty things, and I enjoy receiving compliments for the blood, sweat, and tears that I (and my sweet, wonderful, and loving husband) put into the room.

Anyway, for those of you who don't know, I am now teaching 3rd grade this year, after having taught 2nd grade for the last 5 years.  Therefore, I've spent a lot (and I mean....A LOT) of time this summer just moving my things into a new classroom, and getting organized.  After this week, I'm anxious to be settled into my room, and will actually be able to start working on lesson plans and everything that goes along with that.  I will try to post pictures after we wrap some things up tomorrow.

Until then, hubby, Paisley, and I will be at home this evening staying cozy during the rainy weather, cutting out laminated things I brought home from school, and pondering a few fun things we might do with our remaining days of summer vacation. :)

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